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Land Policy & Planning Department


Hon. Kula L. Jackson
Commissioner for Land Policy and Planning


The department has the below listed divisions with each performing specific functions and responsibilities:

Policy & Research Division

  1. Carries out research through a review of land policies and related studies and identify key issues that are critical to the land policy development process.
  2. Collects and analyzes statistical data on land
  3. Performs analysis of alternative land policies
  4. Develops land policies in coordination with affected departments

Legal Advisory Division

  1. Carries out legal research through a review of land laws and related studies and identify key issues that are critical to the land law reform process;
  2. Assists in preparing draft land laws consistent with approved policies through working with and providing technical support to the land law drafting process

Program Planning Division

  1. Prepares short, medium and long term plans, including budgets for undertaking activities related to for consultations and implementation of land policies
  2. Coordinates the preparation of long-term development plans for the land sector
  3. Coordinates the preparation of strategic business plans for the Authority with the affected department(s)

Monitoring and Evaluation Division

  1. Establishes appropriate monitoring and evaluation and reporting systems for land governance, including land administration and land use and management
  2. Monitors and evaluate the performance and progress of development programs and projects in the land sector;
  3. Identify success, challenges and lessons learned from program and project activities in the land sector and ensure appropriate flow of information to the Commission of the Authority and the implementing partners and donors;
  4. Provide information for decision-making within the LLA and its structures, systems, and processes that are expected to be integrated throughout the life-cycle of programs.

Gender Division

  1. Advocate for and monitor the government's efforts to engage in gender-responsive land governance, including its recognition and enforcement of WLRs and its provision of an equal representation of women in LA and its decentralized bodies.
  2. Inform the broader land reform process by (1) providing gender-responsive technical inputs into land laws, policies, programs, and processes (2) shaping the administrative and regulatory reforms to enhance WLRs and (3) ensuring gender-responsive implementation of land laws and land-related projects and activities of the LA and its partners. Critically includes ensuring the Land Rights Act and its implementation are genders integrated.
  3. Support the integration and continuation of the Women's Land Rights Task Force (WLRTF) by serving as the WLRTF's administrative hub.
  4. Coordinate and facilitate the efficient exchange of information and knowledge between the LA and other relevant ministries and commissions, including the Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection (MGCSP), on issues related to gender and land.
  5. Engage the public on WLRs issues by (1) raising public awareness about WLRs; (2) including gender, women and WLRs advocates in civil society and the private sector in the land reform process; and (3) promoting community engagement and women's participation in land reform processes. The later includes facilitating region-wide consultations to hear from women about their issues, needs, and interests and to funnel this input back into the land reform process.
  6. Serve as a knowledge hub and resource for LA officials at the national- and sub-national levels, WLRTF members, and other ministries and commissions on the issues of gender and land, and especially WLRs, includes serving as a conduit for research, studies and policy briefs on WLRs issues and a repository for emerging issues on WLRs
  7. Ensure gender integration with LA's internal functioning, including systematically training staff on gender and WLRs issues.