Your One-Stop-Shop for all Land Transactions

9.00 am — 5.00pm Monday — Friday

Ashmun & Gurley St. Monrovia, Liberia

+231-881-568661 +231-778-725695

Land Use & Management Department


The department has the below listed divisions with each performing specific functions and responsibilities:

Land Management Division

  1. Develop land use and management regulatory instruments including national land use and management policy
  2. Develop regulatory tools for the effective and sustainable management of land resources
  3. Develop an accessible data resource center (as a repository for land use plans and natural resources documents)
  4. Develop participatory planning models and implementation and monitoring of projects
  5. Development and oversight of land management policies and guidelines

Land Use Planning Division

  1. Develop local development plans in collaboration with CLMDAs and County structures
  2. Develop comprehensive land use plans
  3. Develop guidelines for land use planning (which clearly indicate those concepts and practices which are common to both urban and rural areas and those which need to be applied separately)
  4. Develop interdisciplinary and inter-sectoral collaboration for the development of land use plans
  5. Approve existing land use plans

Zoning Division

  1. Update the National Zoning Ordinance
  2. Develop zoning regulations and guidelines for urban and rural developments
  3. Management of amendment processes (rezonings)
  4. M&E of zoning enforcement at the local level
  5. Approval of zoning permits
  6. Review of development projects for adherence to zoning and land use regulations

Public Land Division (management and use of public land)

  1. Manage the use, sale, and allocation of public land
  2. Maintain inventory of public land nationwide
  3. Manage the vetting and verification process of public land transactions